

This collaborative project involved both UX and product design, where I played a key role in prototyping Hex'd. We aimed to create a design tool that allows users to draw inspiration from the world around them, utilizing their phone's camera to generate color palettes.


  • Conducted comprehensive competitive analysis to inform design decisions by examining features, interfaces, and user feedback of similar products.
  • Defined the user journey to understand user interactions and identify pain points and opportunities for improvement.
  • Created low-fidelity wireframes using tools like Figma to outline application structure and functionality before delving into visual design.
  • Utilized paper prototyping to quickly iterate on designs and gather feedback from stakeholders, enabling exploration of different ideas and refinement of user experience.
  • Designed high-fidelity mockups in Figma, refining visual design, incorporating branding elements, and adding interactive components for user testing and further iteration.

Style Guide


  • Fostered collaboration and communication throughout the process to leverage team expertise and ensure cohesive, user-centered design.
  • High-fidelity prototype enabled realistic user interface representation.
  • Facilitated comprehensive user testing for feedback on visual design and interaction patterns.
  • Iterative process allowed for quick iteration and refinement.
  • Resulted in a final product that was more polished, intuitive, and aligned with user needs.
  • Served as a solid foundation for the development of the final application.